Every people, every organizations, the society and also the government talking about empowerment. What is empowerment? Even in the different/ conflicting different approach, they talking about empowerment. May be empowerment is such of watchword, it seems to fit many shoes. Even for women empowerment in the still largely male dominated world. What is the actually mean of empowerment? It is a buzzy and fuzzy word.
In the article 'rethinking em(power)ment, gender and development'; Parpart, Rai and Staudt propose a new approach to women empowerment by focusing in 4 issues. First, empowerment should be analysed in global and national as well as local terms. Second, empowerment involves the exercise rather than possession of power. Third, empowerment take a place in institutional, material and discursive context and at least, empowerment is both of process and outcome.
What the Scholar Said about Empowerment
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