Monday, August 16, 2010

my first day


Today is my first day at the campus. Back to campus again, quite interesting isn't it? My first class is about gender and development: principle and concept by Dr. Kyoko. She explained the whole of her class and asked the participants of her class to introduce her/his self and explain why she/he took gender and development.

I am a female and still on the process of being feminist. For me, its quite interesting to study about gender issues. I have a dream to have contribution at gender and development in my country, esp for the better life of women. As the government officer I wish I could contribute by making gender budgeting and pro women policy. Hmm... but you know my obsession? I just wanna live in a remote area. Having interaction with the society esp the women and the child. And doing something with my little hand. Someday...

Then we watched a film titled Impossible Dream. That film told about double burden of women. She did housework and should worked too. She got up earlier than did all of the house work with her daughter. Her husband and her son just sitting and waiting for the food. The male got bigger amount of food rather than the female. Then a day, the wife dreamed... she shared the house work with his husband. It looks nice isn't it? Why it just in her dream? Lets doing something...

2 komentar:

Erikou said...

haha, aku juga dikasih tonton film ini ama Dr. Kyoko,
bener2 bikin mata kebuka klo dr rumah aja dah banyak burden buat perempuan.. Gender tu menantang, tapi buat perencana kota kyak aku, masih sangat sangat susah buat diaplikasiin di Indonesia.. tapi, memang harus kita mulai:D

bunga-rumput said...

susah, tapi bukan berarti tidak mungkin kan...? let's start it sist...