Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Thanx God


Terkadang saya lupa bersyukur, terlebih ketika hal itu terasa sulit bagi saya. Rasanya sulit sekali menerima rencana Tuhan saat itu. Saya masih ingat, acap kali saya menangis, sedih, memaki, aaah... hari ini saya menerima email :
Dear Ms Ria Permania Sari, Please be inform that you are awarded a full scholarship from Japanese Government. The formal letter will be sending to you as soon as the admission done preparing, we would like to inform you before hand so that you can prepare yourself to ask permission to take a leave/resign from your job/work. We would like to apologies for the late information coz we just received today the confirmation from the Japanese Government. I am looking forward to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need clarification. Sincerely, Ms Agnes GDS Secretariat
Rasanya tidak percaya, berkali-kali saya membacanya untuk meyakinkan diri saya. Beberapa kali saya apply beasiswa, namun belum ada yang berhasil. Sebenarnya saya mendaftar 2 beasiswa lagi, dan baru pengumuman 1-2 bulan mendatang.. Tuhan, tunjukkan yang terbaik buat saya, amien...

1 komentar:

Santi UD said...

Selamat ya Ria... doain aku menyusul!